BBQ Chicken Thighs on a Gas Grill: A Step-by-Step Guide

Grilling BBQ chicken thighs on a gas grill can be an incredibly satisfying experience, combining the juicy tenderness of the meat with the smoky, charred flavors that are hallmarks of great BBQ. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through each step of the process to ensure your chicken thighs come out perfect every time. From preparation to grilling tips, this guide will cover everything you need to know.

Understanding the Basics of BBQ Chicken Thighs

What Makes Chicken Thighs Ideal for Grilling?

Chicken thighs are a popular choice for grilling because they are more forgiving than chicken breasts. They have a higher fat content, which helps keep the meat moist and flavorful during the grilling process. Unlike chicken breasts that can dry out quickly, thighs remain juicy and tender even if they are slightly overcooked. This makes them ideal for BBQ grilling, where a bit of extra time on the grill won’t ruin the dish.

Differences Between Bone-In and Boneless Thighs

When grilling chicken thighs, you can choose between bone-in and boneless options. Bone-in thighs generally offer more flavor because the bone helps to retain moisture and imparts additional taste. However, they require a longer cooking time. Boneless thighs cook more quickly and are easier to handle, but they might not be as flavorful as bone-in thighs. Your choice will depend on your preferences and the amount of time you have available.

bbq chicken thighs on gas grill

Preparing the Chicken Thighs for the Grill

Marinating Your Chicken Thighs

Marinating is a crucial step in BBQ chicken thigh preparation. A good marinade not only enhances the flavor but also helps tenderize the meat. You can use a variety of ingredients, such as olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and herbs, to create a marinade that suits your taste. For best results, allow the chicken to marinate for at least 1 hour, but overnight marination is ideal for maximum flavor infusion.

Seasoning Tips for Optimal Flavor

If you prefer not to use a marinade, you can opt for a dry rub instead. Dry rubs are a blend of spices that add flavor and a touch of heat. Common ingredients include paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne pepper. Rub the spice mixture evenly over the chicken thighs and let them sit for at least 30 minutes before grilling. This allows the flavors to penetrate the meat and create a delicious crust when grilled.

Setting Up Your Gas Grill

Preparing Your Gas Grill for Indirect Heat

To achieve perfectly grilled chicken thighs, setting up your gas grill for indirect heat is essential. Start by preheating your grill on high heat for about 10-15 minutes. Once it’s hot, turn off one side of the burners to create an area of indirect heat. This setup allows you to cook the chicken thighs slowly, ensuring they are cooked through without burning.

Achieving the Right Temperature

For grilling chicken thighs, aim for a grill temperature of around 350-400°F (175-200°C). This medium heat level is perfect for cooking the thighs evenly and allowing the skin to crisp up without burning. Use a grill thermometer to monitor the temperature accurately and adjust the heat as necessary to maintain a consistent cooking environment.

Grilling Your Chicken Thighs

Placement on the Grill

Once your grill is set up and preheated, it’s time to place the chicken thighs on the grates. Position them over the indirect heat side of the grill to start cooking. This allows the thighs to cook through slowly and evenly without direct contact with the high heat, which can cause charring or burning. If you prefer a crispier skin, you can move the thighs to the direct heat side of the grill for the last few minutes of cooking.

Cooking Time and Techniques

Grilling chicken thighs typically takes about 25-30 minutes, depending on their size and whether they are bone-in or boneless. Bone-in thighs will take a bit longer. Use tongs to turn the thighs every 7-10 minutes to ensure even cooking and prevent sticking. To check for doneness, use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). The juices should run clear when the chicken is properly cooked.

bbq chicken thighs on gas grill

Enhancing Flavor with BBQ Sauce

Applying BBQ Sauce During Cooking

One of the joys of BBQ chicken is the sauce. Apply your favorite BBQ sauce during the last 5-10 minutes of grilling. This prevents the sauce from burning while still allowing it to caramelize and enhance the flavor of the chicken. Brush the sauce on generously, turning the thighs frequently to ensure an even coating.

Making Your Own BBQ Sauce

For a personalized touch, consider making your own BBQ sauce. Combine ingredients like ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and spices to create a sauce tailored to your taste. Homemade sauces can be adjusted to be sweet, tangy, spicy, or a combination of all three. Simmer the sauce on the stove for about 15 minutes to blend the flavors before applying it to your chicken.

Serving and Enjoying Your BBQ Chicken Thighs

Resting the Chicken

After removing the chicken thighs from the grill, let them rest for about 5 minutes before serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring each bite is juicy and flavorful. Cover the thighs loosely with aluminum foil to keep them warm while they rest.

Suggested Side Dishes and Accompaniments

BBQ chicken thighs pair wonderfully with a variety of side dishes. Classic options include coleslaw, cornbread, and baked beans. For a lighter option, consider serving with a fresh salad or grilled vegetables. Pairing with your favorite side dishes can create a well-rounded and satisfying meal that complements the smoky, tangy flavors of the BBQ chicken.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Overcooking and Dry Chicken

If you find your chicken thighs are dry or overcooked, it’s likely due to prolonged exposure to high heat. To prevent this, always use indirect heat for the majority of the cooking time and monitor the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. If your chicken does become dry, serving it with a moist BBQ sauce or a side of gravy can help restore some moisture.

Uneven Cooking or Charring

Uneven cooking or charring can occur if the grill temperature is inconsistent or if the thighs are not turned frequently enough. Ensure your grill is properly preheated and set up for indirect heat. Turn the chicken thighs regularly and use a grill thermometer to maintain an even cooking temperature.

bbq chicken thighs on gas grill

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Gas Grill

Cleaning After Grilling

Proper cleaning of your gas grill is essential for maintaining its performance and extending its lifespan. After grilling, allow the grill to cool slightly before brushing the grates with a grill brush to remove any food residue. Wipe down the exterior and clean the drip tray to prevent buildup of grease and residue.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance includes checking for any gas leaks, ensuring the burners are clean, and replacing any worn-out parts. Perform a thorough inspection of the grill before each use and address any issues promptly to ensure safe and efficient grilling.


Grilling BBQ chicken thighs on a gas grill can be a rewarding experience, yielding deliciously smoky and juicy results. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can achieve perfectly grilled chicken every time. From preparation and grilling techniques to serving and troubleshooting, this guide provides all the information you need to master the art of BBQ chicken thighs on a gas grill. Enjoy your grilling adventure and the delicious results!